We’ve taken the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and applied them to every aspect of our programming, creating a wide array of effective teaching methods that address the complex learning needs of children, youth and young adults living with autism and related disorders.
What is ABA?
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is the science of human behaviour.
Research has demonstrated the efficacy of ABA in the treatment of individuals with autism and related developmental disorders.
New Haven is devoted to using this approach to maximize the developmental potential of each one of its students.
We offer a comprehensive and individualized service plan that focuses on the development of new skills through ongoing observation, analysis and intervention planning and delivery.
New Haven incorporates research-based, data driven, ABA strategies within one-to-one instruction, small group instruction, the home environment, the community and within onsite job training.
All skill acquisition and behaviour reduction programs are based on comprehensive data, collected and analyzed daily, providing New Haven staff with the ability to effectively promote learning.
Staff Training
The calibre of staff at New Haven is a large part of our success. Our highly-qualified staff are provided with extensive training in ABA and child/adult development at the onset of their placement, as well as throughout their employment.
This training includes important topics such as skill acquisition, adaptive instruction, generalization of skills, and behaviour management.
New Haven staff are also required to uphold a variety of certifications, including but not limited to, BCBA, BCaBA, RBT, SMG, and First Aid.

Interested in learning more about ASD, ABA and other related topics?
Help yourself to our many resources, but please remember that the following materials are for information only.
* All information, data and material contained, presented or provided here is for general information purposes only and are not to be construed as reflecting the knowledge or opinions of New Haven Learning Centre, or as providing legal or medical advice. It is strongly advised that all treatment decisions should be made by the individual in consultation with a certified behaviour analyst and their primary licensed health care provider.
RESOURCESWhen asked what were the best things about New Haven, parents responded:
Drive for excellence, evidence-based approach, data driven and passionate staff who have love for the kids.
Pragmatic and reliable.
Great understanding of Autistic kids in general and treatment paths - excellent ratios and classroom settings - dedicated staff.